Eagles Over Aberdeen

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Dedicated to those who protect and defend the embodying symbol of American pride and Freedom.

Centuries ago they dared to take a stand
With a vision for the future of this land
Freedom born on the shores of a new world
And carried to the sky by your wings as flags unfurled
They would be free, but not on bended knees
They would do all they could, to be all they could be

You embody the spirit of their fight
And guard this flickering candle on windy nights
Golden wings spread o’er a promised land
Within you lies the spirit we understand
The spirit of America lives in your eyes
You still move me to tears, when you fly

And Eagles over Aberdeen still grace my Maryland skies
And here out over Aberdeen I still hear freedom’s cry
Of all the wonders I’ve ever seen, I’ve never seen
The grace of your dance in the sky
And Eagles over Aberdeen forever you will fly!

Today the struggle is harder to understand
When the suffering we see is brought by our own hands
Rachel warned of the “Silent Springs” to come
And freedom’s sanctuary on the run
When poisoned minds bring poison to our young
Another kind of battle must be won

Once again we will dare to take this stand
To forever preserve your future in this land
Freedom now reborn on Maryland shores
Will inspire hearts and minds to reach for more
This proving ground has kept our nation strong
Let it test our will forever, to hear your song

And Eagles over Aberdeen will grace our nation’s skies
Forever over Aberdeen we’ll still hear freedom’s cry
For all the wonders our children see, as you fly free
To carry their dreams to the sky
Eagles over Aberdeen forever you will fly!

And Eagles over Aberdeen will grace our Maryland skies
And here out over Aberdeen we’ll still hear freedom’s cry
Of all the wonders I’ve ever seen, I’ve never seen
The grace of your dance in the sky!
And Eagles over Aberdeen forever you will fly!
Eagles over Aberdeen forever you will fly!

Read about the inspiration for Eagles Over Aberdeen.

All original content, music and lyrics © 2019, Chris Mentch. As I See It® is a trademark of Chris Mentch, 2015. All rights reserved. Photo credits: Caleigh Photography and Joanna DeGeneres.